A Change in the Weather
In an attempt to revisit a creative collaboration and revive his marriage, a theatre director brings together a group of performers to spend a week with him and his wife in an isolated, mountainous part of southern France. As the work progresses, fiction and reality become blurred and there is a constant tension between the characters' own lives and the nature of the work - an investigation into the changing nature of love.
The couple are haunted by memories and dreams which, in the end, threaten not only the venture but the marriage itself. All this is underpinned by a sense of melancholy, reflected in the songs and music performed, and in the dramatic and implacably beautiful landscape.
“Will it come like a change in the weather...... O tell me the truth about love” WH Auden
- Year
- 2016
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 99 mins
- Format
- Digital 2K Scope
- Director
- Jon Sanders
- Producer
- James Barrett
- Editor
- Georgius Misjura
- Screenwriter
- Anna Mottram, Jon Sanders
- Director of Photography
- David Scott
- Sound
- Mick Duffield, Peter Warnock
- Music
- Douglas Finch
- Principal Cast
- Meret Becker, Bob Goody, Anna Mottram, Tanya Myers, Maxine Finch, Stephen Lowe, Emma Garden, Seonaid Goody
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 4th June 2016