Suggest a New Film

Fields marked * are required for all submissions.

Can I submit my film?
The UK Films Database includes UK produced and UK co-produced films.

We include completed feature-length films and feature-length films that are announced as being in pre-production, production or post-production.

We only include completed short films.

Film images
For all completed films we need a still (not a poster) from the film.
Stills must be .jpg files and ideally 576 x 325 pixels. For larger images please make sure to click 'crop and upload' after uploading your image.
If we don't receive a still for a COMPLETED
film, we can't publish your submission.
If you don't yet have stills because your feature-length film is in pre-production, production or post production, you can upload credit details without images, and add images later. Please contact us via later to make these image updates.

Editing your entry
Once your film is listed in the database, you can suggest changes and updates by mailing us at

The British Council has editorial control over all database entries and may update or remove listings.

We do not publish links to IMDB entries.

Production & Sales Details
Contact information - A name and at least an email must be provided in the Production Company and/or Sales Agent sections (this could be the producer or director's contacts). These details will be published online.
If you don't provide this information, we can't list your film.

Contact details
The '05 Contact details' section at the bottom of the form is for our internal use only, and these details won't be published online.

House style
Running Time: 33 min 27 sec
Telephone numbers : +44 (0)20 7590 4512
Do not use all CAPITALS or all lowercase (e.g. for names)
Do not use Caps Lock to type upper case letters (use the Shift button ⇧ for capital letters or your entry will format incorrectly)
Separate multiple credit names with a comma, not '&'

Criteria for submission

To qualify as British, your film must be either:

01 About the film

  • For example 35mm

  • Please enter running time in the following format:
    short films x min x sec (i.e. 5 min 23 sec)
    feature-length work x min (i.e. 97 min)

  • This should be a maximum of 200 words for feature films and 50 words for shorts.

  • Please enter a full website address starting with http://

  • Please enter link to a YouTube or Vimeo video which will appear as an embed on the Film detail page. You can add several links separated by comma.

02 Credits

  • Please separate multiple names with a comma.

  • Please separate multiple names with a comma.

  • Please separate multiple names with a comma.

  • Please separate multiple names with a comma.

  • Please separate multiple names with a comma.

  • Please separate multiple names with a comma.

  • Please separate multiple names with a comma.

  • Please separate multiple names with a comma.

  • Please separate multiple names with a comma.

  • Please separate multiple names with a comma.

  • Please separate multiple names with a comma.

  • Add additional information in this format:
    Job Title: Name One, Name Two

03 Production & Sales

  • You must include a contact email address. If possible, please include an address, phone number and website in the following format:
    Company Name
    Telephone number including country code i.e. +44 (0)20 7815 1322

  • If you have a sales or booking agent please include a contact email address. If possible, please include an address, phone number and website in the following format:
    Company Name
    Telephone number including country code i.e. +44 (0)20 7815 1322

04 Upload Film Image(s)

  • Except for films in production, it is mandatory that you upload at least one good quality film still (not a poster) from your film.
    Please drag the points on the crop tool and press the ‘Crop & upload’ button beneath the image to upload.

05 Contact details

  • By submitting this form you warrant and undertake to us (a) that you are fully entitled to submit the film for inclusion in our database and (b) that nothing in the film will infringe the copyright or any other right of any person, breach any contract or duty of confidence, constitute a contempt of court, be defamatory or be calculated to bring us into disrepute.

    You agree to indemnify us against all and any costs, claims, expenses and liabilities (including, without limitation, legal fees and any sums paid on the advice of Counsel) resulting from breach by you of any of the agreements, warranties and/or undertakings on your part contained in this form.