A Father's Day
Unexpectedly reunited with his daughter amongst the ruins of the world as they knew it, a father is determined to make this day special, even if they are already dead. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5585808
- Year
- 2016
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 9 mins 57 secs
- Director
- Mat Johns
- Producer
- Chris Lane
- Executive Producer
- Paul Ashton, Jess Loveland
- Editor
- Mat Johns
- Screenwriter
- Mat Johns
- Director of Photography
- Sam Twyman
- Production Designer
- Rhiannon Clifford
- Sound
- Marcus Alexander, Joe Nattrass
- Music
- William Morris
- Principal Cast
- Garth Maunders, Hazel Gibson
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 27th March 2017