A Very British Gangster
A Very British Gangster is an all access film inside one of Britain’s most dangerous crime families. For the first time, a gang of contemporary criminals open their lives to reveal a brutal world and an underclass which relies upon gangsters for justice, rather than police.
The film follows the trials and tribulations of Dominic Noonan over three years, as he lurches from criminal trial to criminal trial. Dominic, head of the Noonan crime dynasty, a second generation family of Irish stock, legally changed his last name to Lattlay Fottfoy, an acronym for the family motto; ‘Look after those that look after you, fuck off those that fuck off you’.
Rarely does a film gain such deep access. Director, Donal MacIntyre, shows us a close-up view of a world embroiled in kidnapping, torture, narcotics and murder. But behind the macho bravado, a poignant world is revealed where a community struggles with poverty, violence and drugs.
- Year
- 2008
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 97 mins
- Director
- Michael Simkin, Lil Cranfield, Donal MacIntyre
- Producer
- Chris Shaw, Jane Gogan, David Malone, Michael Simkin
- Editor
- Sally Hilton
- Director of Photography
- Nick Manley, Mike Turnbull
Production status
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Last updated 23rd November 2007