A child gets ready for a good night of sleep, but something terrible lurks under the bed.
This film is based on a comic strip by Laerte Coutinho, one of the most famous cartoonists in Brazil. She is a transgender woman, activist and founder of the 'Brazilian Association of Transgender People'.
- Year
- 2020
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 1 min
- Format
- Digital
- Director
- Tiago Teixeira
- Producer
- Kieran Nolan Jones
- Executive Producer
- Tiago Teixeira
- Editor
- Tiago Teixeira
- Screenwriter
- Tiago Teixeira, Laerte Coutinho
- Director of Photography
- Korsshan Schlauer
- Production Designer
- Amelia Stevens
- Sound
- Sam Mason
- Principal Cast
- Roman Jameel, Elliott Rogers
Production status
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Last updated 5th February 2024