Alfred and Jakobine
In 1955 newly-weds Alfred and Jakobine made an epic, 4 year, journey around the world in an old London taxi. When it was over, without warning, he left her - breaking her heart. Now at 84 years old Alfred Hobbs wants to restore the old taxi, drive it across America with their son, and offer one last ride "before it's too late". 40 years after he left her, she has a deep love/hate regard for Alfred. How will the she react to this "gesture" and how will her "new" husband of 30 years handle it?
- Year
- 2014
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 73 mins
- Director
- Jonathan Howells, Tom Roberts
- Producer
- Rob Fletcher
- Executive Producer
- Tom Roberts, Cat Cooper
- Editor
- Paul Carlin
- Director of Photography
- Rollo Hollins
- Music
- Nick Urata
- Principal Cast
- Olivia Marei
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 7th April 2014