The Kogi civilization still survives hidden on Colombia's highest mountain. They believe they are guardians of the world. Their leaders are trained from infancy in darkness to connect with 'aluna', cosmic consciousness. They perceive 'black lines' that connect special sites essential to life. In 1990, convinced that we were destroying the earth, they sent a warning through a British film-maker and then withdrew. They have realised that we have ignored the warning and the world is in danger. So they recalled the film-maker and instructed him to film their demonstration of these connections, using 400km of gold thread.
People who have no wheel or writing travel to England for the thread, and discuss dark energy with a leading astronomer. But as their journey goes on they realize that the film-maker has no idea what they are trying to demonstrate and their own arguments are treated as fantasy. So they change tack, taking us up into their mountain to show exactly what they mean, and then coming down to join forces with leading scientists who recognize that they are communicating important cutting-edge knowledge.
- Year
- 2012
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 90 mins
- Format
- Digital 2k
- Director
- Alan Ereira 1st Feature
- Producer
- Alan Ereira
- Executive Producer
- Ben Woolford
- Editor
- Andrew Philip
- Director of Photography
- Paulo Perez, Silvestre Gil Zarabata, Seamus Deasy, Carlos Henandez
- Sound
- Henbry Quintero, Giovanny Zerrati, Karl Merren, Richard Cordoba
- Music
- Alejandro Ramirez Rojas
- Principal Cast
- Mama Shibulata, Mama Manuel
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 2nd October 2012