American Faust: From Condi to Neo-Condi
This is a hard-hitting documentary about Condoleezza Rice, an extraordinary but little understood woman who rose from segregated Alabama to become the most powerful woman in the world. Incisive and shocking, this is the first retrospective film on the Bush Administration. It overturns the popular misconception of Rice as a yes-woman to President Bush to reveal her as his most enduring confidante, and thus responsible for much of the Bush legacy. This political, biographical documentary tells a Faustian story of a woman whose hubris tempted her into a pursuit of power that destroyed her core values, and hurtled America into a perilous new direction.
Dr Rice leads her own defense, through a series of candid interviews. We have exclusive interviews with her three most authoritative biographers: Marcus Mabry (Twice As Good); Glenn Kessler (The Confidante); and Antonia Felix (Condi).
The film's most disturbing revelations center on Rice's role as Chair of the group of 'Principals', whose role was to select and authorize torture techniques, which included water-boarding, fingernail extraction, and sleep deprivation. Condi signed off on the orders to the CIA with the words, 'This is your Baby, go do it!'.
- Year
- 2010
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 89 mins
- Format
- Director
- Sebastian Doggart
- Producer
- Diana DeCilio, Jessica Lee, Evan Greenhill
- Co-Producer
- Diana DeCilio, Jessica Lee, Evan Greenhill
- Editor
- Diana DeCilio
- Screenwriter
- Sebastian Doggart
- Director of Photography
- Matthew Woolf
- Sound
- Dennis Haggerty
- Music
- Cheryl Engelhardt, Gary Lucas
- Principal Cast
- Condoleezza Rice
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 16th December 2009