Another Mother's Son
Set during World War II, when the island of Jersey was occupied by the Nazis, and based on the true story of Louisa Gould, who took in an escaped Russian POW and hid him over the course of the war. Amid growing tension it became clear that British wartime leader Winston Churchill would not risk an assault to re-capture the occupied island, the community began to fray under the pressures of hunger, occupation and divided loyalty.
Against this backdrop, Lou fights to preserve her family's sense of humanity and to protect the Russian boy as if he were her own.
- Year
- 2017
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 98 mins
- Director
- Christopher Menaul
- Producer
- Daniel-Konrad Cooper, Bill Kenwright
- Executive Producer
- Steve Potts, Naomi George
- Editor
- Mark Trend
- Screenwriter
- Jenny Lecoat
- Director of Photography
- Sam Care
- Production Designer
- Adrian Smith
- Music
- Mario Grigorov
- Principal Cast
- Jenny Seagrove, Ronan Keating, Julian Kostov, John Hannah, Amanda Abbington, Susan Hampshire, Peter Wight
Production status
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Last updated 8th November 2016