As Angry As Me
The film follows the rise of punk rock duo 'Selfish Cunt' from their early gigs burning Union Jacks in protest at the war in Iraq, through critical recognition in the mainstream press to recording in New York and finally a concert at London's Brixton Academy. The film questions whether punk rock can be reinvented in the 21st century, whether performance can ever be political and what it really is that lead singer Martin Tomlinson is so angry about. The film paints a picture of London's underground art scene as it collides with the mainstream and questions whether any of these categories really mean anything at all.
- Year
- 2006
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 31 mins
- Format
- DigiBeta
- Director
- Tom Sheahan
- Producer
- Tom Sheahan
- Editor
- Agnieszka Liggett
- Director of Photography
- Ulrik Boel Bentzen
- Sound
- Sylvester Holm, Markus Moll
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 24th March 2006