This is the story of Joseph and Ria, two kindred spirits who forge an unlikely friendship. Both are looking for a way out until they find each other and their friendship gives them both a glimpse of something more. But it is destined to end in the most extreme of circumstances if either is to escape the confines of their lives and get away for good.
A story of love, of loss and of hope played out against the magical backdrop of the northern English seaside town of Blackpool.
Edinburgh International Film Festival 2016 - World premiere
- Year
- 2016
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 110 mins
- Format
- 2K Digital
- Director
- David Blair
- Producer
- Richard Turner, Michael Knowles, Terry Stone
- Executive Producer
- Jamie Edgerton, Chris Howard
- Editor
- Kate Baird
- Screenwriter
- Roger Hadfield
- Director of Photography
- Felix Wiedemann
- Production Designer
- Pawlo Wintoniuk
- Music
- Anne Dudley
- Principal Cast
- Timothy Spall, Juno Temple
- Film Images
- ©Flare Film (Away) Limited
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 6th June 2016