Boom Bust Boom
A documentary to explain economics to everyone and why economic crashes will keep happening, presented by Terry Jones, covering the history of financial crashes and featuring a combination of live action, animation, puppetry and song.
Contributors include high profile advocates such as John Cusack, journalists such as Paul Mason and John Cassidy plus leading experts including Andy Haldane, the Chief Economist of the Bank of England and Nobel Prize winners Daniel Kahneman, Robert J Shiller and Paul Krugman.
- Year
- 2014
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 72 mins
- Director
- Bill Jones, Terry Jones
- Producer
- Bill Jones, Theo Kocken, Ben Timlett
- Co-Producer
- Volkert Struycken
- Editor
- Bill Jones
- Screenwriter
- Terry Jones, Theo Kocken
- Director of Photography
- Nick Rutter
- Music
- André Jacquemin, Terry Jones
- Principal Cast
- Dirk Bezemer, Zvi Bodie, Willem Buiter, John Cusack
- Animation Producer
- Justin Weyers
- Illustrator
- Maisie Noble
Production status
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Last updated 13th May 2015