Brit Muslim: a community profile
Brit Muslim: a community profile is an exclusive insight to the contemporary life of two million British Muslims, challenging the very important issues of identity and Britishness, and contribution of Muslims to British society.
The film shows a realistic portrait of the present situation of Muslims in Britain from different historical, political, economic, social, religious, artistic and scientific perspectives. Many scholars, academics, scientists, senior politicians, entrepreneurs, artists and journalists have been participated in this film. By presenting facts and realities and putting forward key questions to evoke discussions on Muslims in Britain from different points of view, this informative, educative and thought provoking film distinguishes itself from other similar works.
- Year
- 2010
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 77 mins
- Format
- High Definition
- Director
- Reza Shirazi
- Producer
- Ahmad Jan-Mirzaei
- Co-Producer
- Ahmad Jan-Mirzaei
- Editor
- Reza Shirazi
- Screenwriter
- Susan Noori
- Director of Photography
- Reza Shirazi
- Music
- Saeed Ansari
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 8th June 2010