Camrex House is a notorious homeless hostel that for 40 years has upheld a fearsome reputation. Its skewed, in-house morality perpetuated by men with complex histories. Based on interviews with hostel residents, filmmaker Mark Chapman constructs a series of unflinchingly visceral sequences that reveal a hidden world of untold stories.
- Year
- 2015
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 14 mins
- Format
- hd
- Director
- Mark Chapman
- Producer
- Mark Chapman
- Editor
- Mark Chapman
- Screenwriter
- Mark Chapman
- Director of Photography
- Mark Chapman
- Sound
- Kev Todd, Chris Younger, Alex Rea; Post-production Sound: Phil Begg; Sound Mix: Rich McCoull, Phil Begg
- Production Assistants
- Chris Williams, Monika Kasprzak
Production status
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Last updated 27th March 2017