Chasing Dad: A Lifelong Addiction
An original and compelling documentary depicting one father’s long-term struggle with heroin addiction, told through the uniquely intimate perspective of his own son.
After years of acrimony and estrangement, young film-maker Phillip Wood seeks out his father to try and understand what’s happened to him. But his father is now seriously ill and over the next few months Phillip’s visits force both to confront some uncomfortable truths about their past.
This documentary offers a strikingly stark exploration into a subject that significantly affected the film-maker's childhood. An intimate, revealing documentary which shows addiction from a different side and challenges assumptions about how families can rebuild their broken relationships.
- Year
- 2016
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 59 mins
- Format
- Digital HD 1080p
- Director
- Phillip Wood 1st Feature
- Producer
- Phillip Wood
- Executive Producer
- Peter Dale, Jane Treays
- Director of Photography
- Phillip Wood
- Sound
- Phillip Wood
- Music
- Sami El-Enany
- Film Image
- ©Phillip Wood, BBC
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 12th July 2017