Checkpoint represents an investigation into everyday life in Israel and the West Bank: the attrition of occupation, the threat of terrorism. The film does not attempt to dissect the political situation, rather, to engage with those that it affects. It is a story of tragedy and brutality but also hope, wit, beauty and music.
- Year
- 2008
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 32 mins
- Format
- Director
- Sameer Guessous, Tim Stirzaker
- Producer
- Joseph Oppenheimer, Alex Lewis Smith
- Editor
- Alex Lewis Smith, Joseph Oppenheimer
- Director of Photography
- Joseph Oppenheimer
- Sound
- Tim Stirzaker
- Music
- Alex Lewis Smith
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 14th November 2007