Closure is a short, experimental documentary focusing on one woman’s valiant campaign to save her childhood home (a local pub) from closure and demolition.
As hopes for the campaign fade in the face of unrealistic renovation costs, Úna reflects upon the connection between the building's deterioration and that of both her ageing mother (the former landlady) and her local community.
Úna's benevolent actions and efforts meet blow after blow until all that remains is a pile of rubble. But internally, her ability to forge connections with others and her relentless positivity mean that ultimately, her memories are enough. She engineers her own form of closure.
In an attempt to express Úna's inward journey, the events of the film are presented in a reversed chronology, beginning with the pub's demolition and ending with Úna’s earliest memories.
- Year
- 2013
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 14 mins
- Format
- Director
- Ed Cartledge
- Producer
- Ed Cartledge
- Co-Producer
- James Parsons, Jude Goldrei, Isla Badenoch, Leon Seth
- Editor
- Ed Cartledge
- Director of Photography
- Ed Cartledge
- Sound
- Darryl Peat
- Music
- Darryl Peat
Production status
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Last updated 17th June 2013