Come Closer
Berlin Golden Bear-winning director Peter Mackie Burns allows the audience access to the private lives of disparate groups of characters who reside in the city of Glasgow.
We are privy to their conversations, private moments and everyday occurrences in a piece that often makes for uncomfortable and even voyeuristic viewing.
Accompanied by the ambient music of Sigur Ros the city takes on a character of its own as we follow their lives from cradle to grave through an ever-changing landscape.
Come Closer is about change, the constant flux that happens to people and places, and how that change affects their relationships. Crossing boundaries of age, sex, class and religion, it causes the audience to reconsider the everyday in their own lives.
- Year
- 2012
- Type of film
- Features
- Director
- Peter Mackie Burns
- Producer
- Marie Olesen
- Editor
- Bert Eeles
- Director of Photography
- Julia Bauer, Gerry Fox, George Geddes
- Sound
- John Cobban
Production status
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Last updated 20th January 2012