Comfortably Numb
Comfortably Numb follows Jake's battle to overcome his addiction to alcohol in a specialised treatment centre, Promis. He is initially resistant to the programme, but things improve when he starts a relationship with fellow patient, Emma. Jake is introduced to Promis's system of group counselling and is confronted about his 'sex and love' addiction. But he can't understand that his growing reliance on Emma is as much a barrier to his recovery as his dependency on alcohol. The pair are banned from seeing each other.
After a drug-fuelled night, things get out of hand. The next day, Jake comes close to accepting what he needs to do to recover but it proves too much for him and he decides to leave, and recover on his own terms. But almost immediately he walks into a pub.
It seems as though Jake will return to his old ways, but as the film ends, we see that he is back at Promis, determined to make a full recovery this time.
- Year
- 2004
- Type of film
- Features
- Format
- DigiBeta
- Director
- Leo Regan
- Producer
- Jane Featherstone
- Executive Producer
- Jane Featherstone
- Editor
- Paul Van Dyke
- Screenwriter
- Leo Regan
- Sound
- Mary Milton
- Music
- Max De Wardener
- Principal Cast
- Hans Matheson, Rebecca Palmer
Production status
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Last updated 7th September 2006