Crossing the Divide
Documentary exploring the ties that brought Deaf people together, and pushed them apart, during the Troubles in Northern Ireland. Featuring interviews with deaf people who lived in Belfast during the 1960s and 1970s, this film tells the story of friendships and romances that crossed the religious divide.
- Year
- 2012
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 16 mins 5 secs
- Director
- Cathy Heffernan 1st Feature
- Producer
- Monica Rubio-Cadena
- Executive Producer
- Maverick Litchfield-Kelly
- Editor
- Bim Ajadi
- Director of Photography
- Bim Ajadi
- Sound
- Andres Silva
- Script consultant
- Patricia Gomes
Production status
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Last updated 2nd April 2013