Dead Point
Olo and Haldane live in a bedsit, cut off from the outside world. They happily amuse themselves acting out sinister role-play games. But when Haldane catches Olo spying on the real world, the game goes too far. Olo tells Haldane she doesn't want to play anymore. Haldane disagrees.
- Year
- 2013
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 8 mins 26 secs
- Format
- HD Digital
- Director
- Jessica Kneipp
- Producer
- Jessica Kneipp
- Co-Producer
- Raffaele Giordano
- Editor
- Jessica Kneipp
- Screenwriter
- Sarah Woolner
- Director of Photography
- Raffaele Giordano
- Production Designer
- Mustafa Boga
- Sound
- Paul Freeman, Matthew Sprague
- Music
- Sarah Warne
- Principal Cast
- Kristel Elling, Alex Walker
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 19th May 2014