The Dreamcatchers, Brenda Myers-Powell and Stephanie Daniels-Wilson, are two former prostitutes who use their inside knowledge to help women who are selling sex on the streets of Chicago, and to prevent very young girls from doing the same. Longinotto's film reveals the true devastation of sexual exploitation; how it affects the women, their families and the communities where they live. Through the intervention of the Dreamcatchers, we see how Brenda and Stephanie turn hopeless lives around.
Sundance Film Festival 2015 - World premiere
- Year
- 2015
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 98 mins
- Director
- Kim Longinotto
- Producer
- Teddy Leifer, Lisa Stevens
- Editor
- Oliver Huddleston
Production status
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Last updated 5th May 2015