Follow the Money
Three Men, Thirty Days and one Ten Dollar Bill.
A documentary about three British filmmakers who follow a ten dollar bill for one month as it criss-crosses the United States. The bill travels 6000 miles and passes through the hands of countless wonderful characters. By journey's end, the film builds a unique and surprising portrait of the American people.
- Year
- 2016
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 85 mins
- Format
- HDV, MiniDV, flip, iPhone
- Director
- John Hardwick, Ben Unwin, Steve Boggan
- Producer
- Steve Boggan, John Hardwick, Ben Unwin
- Executive Producer
- Richard Batty, Clive Brill
- Editor
- John Hardwick, Ben Unwin
- Screenwriter
- Steve Boggan
- Director of Photography
- John Hardwick, Ben Unwin, Steve Boggan
- Music
- Tristin Norwell
- Principal Cast
- John Hardwick, Ben Unwin, Steve Boggan
Production status
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Last updated 13th February 2017