In the Land of the Free...
Herman Wallace, Albert Woodfox and Robert King spent almost a century between them in solitary confinement in Angola, the Louisiana State Penitentary. They are known as the Angola 3. Herman and Albert are still in solitary confinement after thirty six years in solitary confinement. How could this be?
In America. Today. In The Land Of The Free... Is a documentary feature that examines the story of these extraordinary men who appear to have been targeted by the prison officers for being members of the Black Panther Party because they fought against the terrible conditions and systematic sexual slavery that was rife in the prison. They were subsequently convicted of the murder of a prison guard. There was no physical evidence against them and the main eye witness was bribed and promised his freedom by the warden in exchange for testifying. After years in the oblivion of solitary confinement, this year has finally seen dramatic developments of the Angola 3. This documentary tells the on going story of the case of the Angola 3.
- Year
- 2010
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 84 mins
- Format
- HD
- Director
- Vadim Jean
- Producer
- Scott Niemeyer, Norm Waitt, John Brocklehurst, Rod Brown, David Abraham, Jane Rogerson
- Editor
- David Charap
- Director of Photography
- Michael Fox BSC, Adam Stone
- Sound
- Dan Johnson (Re-recording mixer and Supervising Sound Editor)
- Principal Cast
- Samuel L Jackson (Voiceover)
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 24th December 2009