The story of one week in the lives of Kim and Bex. They undertake a series of bizarre challenges which leave their friends and teachers bewildered. The girls have always kept themselves to their very different friendship groups, and their new-found friendship is raising eyebrows around the school.
- Year
- 2017
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 16 mins 36 secs
- Format
- HD
- Director
- Steve Gear, Rob Mitchell
- Producer
- Calling The Shots
- Co-Producer
- Rob Mitchell
- Executive Producer
- Steve Gear
- Editor
- Nick Sutton
- Screenwriter
- Edson Burton
- Director of Photography
- Louis Blystad Collins
- Production Designer
- Emma Grant
- Sound
- Jake Chapman
- Music
- Audio Network
- Principal Cast
- Milly Smith, Aiya Naimi, Kirris Riviere, Ellisa Zananiri, Isabelle Peck, Michaela Paolini, Paris Bamford, Aaliych Williams, Shawanica Ramsay, Aisha Kitwana, Melanie Pearson, Aisha Hussein, Sashani Small, Saul Bhaidani, Oskar Allerbrand, Audrey Harrison
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 24th October 2017