A darkly comic, character-driven thriller following Ewan, a government whistleblower, and Silke, his forthright Flemish wife, as they are sent to a remote country house in west Belgium. Joined by two close protection officers, they await the arrival of a British journalist.
- Year
- 2021
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 80 min
- Format
- digital
- Director
- Neil Maskell 1st Feature
- Producer
- Helen Simmons, Stephanie Aspin
- Co-Producer
- Savannah Power
- Executive Producer
- Andrew Starke, Ben Wheatley, Neil Elman, Hannah Pillemer, Fernando Szew, Tony Vassiliadis
- Editor
- Jason Rayton
- Screenwriter
- Neil Maskell
- Director of Photography
- Nick Gillespie
- Production Designer
- Declan Price
- Sound
- Martin Pavey
- Music
- Sndy shortwave
- Principal Cast
- Tom Burke, Amit Shah, Jenna Coleman, Sura Dohnke, Roger Evans
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 19th June 2023