Life Just Is
Pete, Tom, Claire and Jay are university graduates having trouble making the move into adult life. Beneath the hanging out and the daily routines simmers Pete's desire to find a spiritual answer to life's meaning, Jay's desperate need not to get hurt again, and Tom and Claire's ever increasing mutual attraction. A thoughtful character drama, Life Just Is is a film about love, death, and, most importantly of all, life itself.
- Year
- 2012
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 102 mins
- Format
- HD
- Director
- Alex Barrett 1st Feature
- Producer
- Tom Stuart
- Co-Producer
- Pat Wintersgill
- Executive Producer
- Christine Hartland
- Editor
- Murat Kebir
- Screenwriter
- Alex Barrett
- Director of Photography
- Yosuke Kato
- Production Designer
- Niina Topp
- Sound
- Jason Creasey
- Principal Cast
- Jayne Wisener, Jack Gordon, Fiona Ryan, Nathaniel Martello-White, Will De Meo, Paul Nicholls
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 12th January 2012