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Little Boxes

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LITTLE BOXES was shot entirely on Zoom during the height of the Covid lockdown. Whilst deep into pre-production to shoot another improv-based film in the traditional, location-based sense, the pandemic struck our plans a fatal blow. Having no other option, we decided not to concede defeat and made the decision to create the best, most realistic project we could with what we had at our disposal, under the most difficult of circumstances.

LITTLE BOXES is a drama about how governmental decisions during the pandemic affect the lives of ordinary people in a small corner of Northern England. This hyper-realistic, performance based film takes you on a journey through the world of video calling, observing the strain on relationships through these tiny Zoom windows - their own "little boxes" - and the pressures of enforced incarceration.
Isolated by the virus, the whole world has had to find new ways to communicate and hold our loved ones close - these issues are universally relatable.
The pain of separation. Together, yet apart.

LITTLE BOXES proves that necessity is the mother of invention and that art will always find a way.
The actor’s own lived experience of lockdown seeps through into their characters, alongside the mental pressures we were all buckling under. This enforced style of shooting created a safe place for the characters to communicate in a way that might not have been possible in a conventional filming environment.


Type of film
Running Time
85 min
Raffaello Degruttola
Lee Boardman, Jennifer James
Nina De Mitri
Executive Producer
Lee Boardman, Jennifer James
Charles Lort-Phillips
Raffaello Degruttola
Director of Photography
Lee Boardman
Production Designer
Hugh Mann Adamson
Charles Lort-Phillips

Production status


Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at

Last updated 19th June 2021

Production Company

Actor Tribe Films
Actor Tribe Ltd
103 Bradley House
Radcliffe Moor Rd
Lancs Bl2 6RT
+44 (0)7843 036000