London Irish at the Ranges
The men of the London Irish are made up of people from all walks of life: Accountants, Solicitors, Builders, Chefs - Disparate, different individuals who come together regularly to become a cohesive fighting force constantly honing their skills. Here they go on a shooting weekend at the Ranges completing the Annual Personnal weapons test and also practicing on the ardous Individual battle kills range. London Irish at the Ranges is a short documentary produced and directed by Tipu Sultan.
- Year
- 2004
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 15 mins
- Format
- DigiBeta
- Director
- Tipu Sultan
- Producer
- Tipu Sultan
- Editor
- Emmanouela Krukowski
- Screenwriter
- Tipu Sultan
- Director of Photography
- Tipu Sultan
- Sound
- Rodrigo Cavalera
- Music
- John Burton
- Principal Cast
- Soldiers of the London Irish, London Regiment
Production status
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Last updated 2nd August 2010