Looking for Light: Jane Bown
A moving portrait of the photographer Jane Bown: her quiet determination working in an almost exclusively male world; her unique working method; how the sorrow of her early childhood informed her unique photographic style. It includes interviews with Rankin, Edna O’Brien and Don McCullin as well as the many iconic photographs by Jane that span her six decade career including her portraits of Samuel Beckett, Mick Jagger, Queen Elizabeth II and Bjork, to mention a few.
- Year
- 2014
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 90 mins
- Director
- Luke Dodd, Michael Whyte
- Producer
- Luke Dodd, Michael Whyte
- Executive Producer
- Janine Marmot
- Editor
- Michael Whyte
- Director of Photography
- Michael Whyte
- Sound
- Paul Harris at Suite
- Online Editor and Colourist
- Chris Hall
- Titles
- Huge Designs
- Photographic reproduction and restoration
- David McCoy
- Additional photography
- Ian Cook and Getty Images
Production status
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Last updated 31st March 2015