In a small American town a mundane event offers a glimpse in to a normally unseen world of mysterious connections. A businessman rushes for his train but just misses it. As he waits for the next service another world seems to open up before him and we witness a series of disparate characters each enter their own state of delusion, rapture or heightened awareness.
Official Selection BFI London Film Festival 2015 - Journey Strand - World premiere
- Year
- 2015
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 10 mins
- Director
- Ollie Verschoyle
- Producer
- Dee Meaden
- Co-Producer
- Jay Pingree
- Editor
- Domenico Favata
- Screenwriter
- Ollie Verschoyle
- Director of Photography
- Ollie Verschoyle
- Sound
- Mike Fitzgerald
- Music
- Jon Opstad
- Principal Cast
- Jared Kelner, Trina Catterson, Jay Pingree, Suzanne Du Charme, Wayne Anderson, Jason Pagan
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 29th September 2015