Marc Quinn – Making Waves
A film which gives an informal, inside look at what it takes to be successful in the contemporary art world, through the eyes of one of its leading exponents, the British YBA artist Marc Quinn. The film follows him over a full year in his life as he creates, exhibits and sells new work across the world from New York to Venice to Hong Kong and Istanbul where he comes into contact with celebrities including Elton John, the Queen and Ai Wei Wei.
London Film Festival 2014 - World premiere
- Year
- 2014
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 83 mins
- Format
- digital hd
- Director
- Gerry Fox
- Producer
- Gerry Fox
- Editor
- John Street
- Director of Photography
- Gerry Fox
- Principal Cast
- Marc Quinn, Georgie Byng, Gerry Fox, Ai Wei Wei, Elton John
Production status
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Last updated 21st May 2015