More is Less
It's a Saturday night in London, the hippest city on earth. Quant and Hawk, the young couple at the centre of More is Less, both agree on one thing - they want to go out. The only trouble is, that's all they agree on. Where to go? What to do? There's just so many choices, so many possible great-night-outs. A seemingly endless world of theatres, movies, gigs, raves and parties await them both, but they're just unable to pick.
- Year
- 1998
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 15 mins
- Format
- 16mm
- Director
- Andy Lambert
- Producer
- Ella Sanderson
- Director of Photography
- Oliver Curtis
- Principal Cast
- Indre Ové, Darren Tighe, Eddie Marshall and Michael Cochrane
- Screen Writer
- Andy Lambert
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 26th November 2005