Mustafa's Sweet Dreams
The documentary tells the story of Mustafa, a 16-year-old boy who works as a pastry shop apprentice in Gaziantep, the "Capital of Baklava", in Eastern Turkey. His dream is to become a famous pastry chef in Istanbul. The journey he goes through leads him to find more than bright lights at his destination.
- Year
- 2012
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 83 mins
- Director
- Angelos Abazoglou
- Producer
- Olga Abazoglou
- Editor
- Fanny Ziozia
- Screenwriter
- Angelos Abazoglou
- Director of Photography
- Laurent Fénart, Giorgos Giannelis
- Sound
- Dinos Kittou
Production status
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Last updated 8th March 2012