My Scientology Movie
"I find that the most inexplicable behavior is motivated by very relatable human impulses," comments Louis Theroux as he heads to Los Angeles for this feature documentary, in collaboration with director John Dower and producer Simon Chinn, exploring the Church of Scientology. Following a long fascination with the religion and with much experience in dealing with eccentric, unpalatable and unexpected human behavior, the beguilingly unassuming Theroux won’t take no for an answer when his request to enter the Church’s headquarters is turned down. Inspired by the Church’s use of filming techniques, and aided by ex-members of the organisation, Theroux uses actors to replay some incidents people claim they experienced as members in an attempt to better understand the way it operates. In a bizarre twist, it becomes clear that the Church is also making a film about Louis Theroux. Suffused with a good dose of humour and moments worthy of a Hollywood script, this true life film is stranger than fiction.
Official Selection BFI London Film Festival 2015 - Dare Strand - World premiere
- Year
- 2015
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 99 mins
- Director
- John Dower
- Producer
- Simon Chinn
- Co-Producer
- Vanessa Tovell
- Executive Producer
- Christin Langan, Stephen McDonogh, Charlotte Moore, Joe Oppenheimer, Mark Reynolds
- Editor
- Paul Carlin
- Screenwriter
- John Dower, Louis Theroux
- Director of Photography
- Will Pugh
- Production Designer
- Alessandro Marvelli
- Music
- Dan Jones
Production status
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Last updated 22nd April 2016