First kiss. A moment repressed? The story is about a woman named Sim in her mid-twenties. Sim is happy with her life and has a good relationship with her girlfriend. Then, out of the blue she gets an unexpected call from her childhood love, Maya, who is now married.
- Year
- 2005
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 9 mins 38 secs
- Format
- MiniDV
- Director
- Heena Trivedi
- Producer
- Niyi Akeju
- Editor
- Heena Trivedi
- Screenwriter
- Heena Trivedi
- Director of Photography
- Rory Moles
- Sound
- Jay T Kumar, Catalina Jimenez, Laylan Goh, Salim Rahim
- Music
- Jay T Kumar
- Principal Cast
- Deborah Chatterjee, Catherine Mobley, Deena Chetna Goldie, Tyrone Goldie
Production status
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Last updated 12th May 2021