Philip and His Seven Wives
Funny and bizarre, this is the heart-warming tale of an unlikely family striving to achieve spiritual fulfilment in the murky waters of the 21st century.
In a quiet corner of England a former rabbi is living a remarkable life based on the ancient patriarchy of the Old Testament. Six years ago, God told the rabbi that he was to become a Hebrew King, and like a good patriarch, take multiple wives. Now he raises horses, runs four second-hand furniture shops in Brighton and Hove and lives with seven women who, while not legally his spouses, believe their union is sanctioned by God. Each seeks a different sort of spiritual fulfilment: from Chava, widowed after 25 years of marriage and the oldest of the wives, to Tracy, who has been banished from the house for resisting Philip’s patriarchal role. As the film progresses, the filmmaker gets extraordinary close to the family but reserves judgement, preferring to present them with all their foibles, strengths and contradictions.
- Year
- 2006
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 68 mins
- Format
- DigiBeta
- Director
- Marc Isaacs
- Producer
- Nick Fraser for BBC Storyville
- Co-Producer
- Nick Fraser for BBC Storyville
- Editor
- Ollie Huddleston
- Music
- Michel Duvoisin
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 6th April 2006