An intimate and revealing documentary featuring Whitstable artist John Butterworth. John was predominantly an abstract artist until the untimely death of his brother Charles left him devastated and disconnected from his early work. No longer able to relate to the intangible nature of his art he began a series of figurative paintings that featured people falling from the sky. Portrait is about coming to terms with grief, and a reflection on art, life and mortality.
- Year
- 2010
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 13 mins
- Format
- 16mm Col.
- Director
- Julian Kerridge
- Producer
- The London Film School
- Co-Producer
- The London Film School
- Editor
- Rajeev A Morabito
- Screenwriter
- Julian Kerridge
- Director of Photography
- Brandon Osterman
- Sound
- James Kendall, Rajeev A Morabito
- Music
- Edward Renshaw
- Principal Cast
- John Butterworth, Katrina Brown
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 18th March 2009