Random Strangers
Rocky and Lulu live in opposite sides of the planet; they bump into each other on ChatRoulette and decide to stay in touch.
Using video diaries, secret confessions and fictional representations of their lives, they create a place where they can truly be themselves.
- Year
- 2011
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 25 mins
- Director
- Alexis Dos Santos
- Producer
- Valentina Brazzini, Soledad Gatti-Pascual
- Editor
- Saskia Kievits
- Screenwriter
- Laurence Coriat, Alexis Dos Santos
- Director of Photography
- Alexis Dos Santos, Flora Lau
- Production Designer
- Elisa Miller
- Sound
- Evelien van der Molen
- Music
- Flor Braier, Johnny Challah, Roi Erez, Robin Todd
- Principal Cast
- Johnny Challah, Ines Efron
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 19th January 2012