Red Fruit
Two childhood friends are reunited 12 years after being sent to separate foster parents. Together, Raphael and Michael survived a traumatic and tragic night in Rwanda, 1994. Focalised through these two bruised young adults, their lives and the lives of those around them are affected by the stirring of their deep hidden memories. Raphael, after years of denial, must open his heart to his girlfriend, Maria. Whereas Michael needs to exit a lifestyle of drinks, drugs and sex, he too has people who deeply care about him, if only he will let them understand.
Red Fruit, based on events, combines a story of character and relationships, with factual accounts of the Rwandan genocide. Archive footage adds, in parts, an almost documentary feel to this piece, which offers not only an understanding of human nature, but also a historical and cultural human tragedy.
- Year
- 2007
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 70 mins
- Format
- DV
- Director
- Alex MacMillan 1st Feature
- Producer
- Jonny Cripps
- Co-Producer
- Jonny Cripps
- Editor
- Alex MacMillan
- Screenwriter
- Jonny Cripps
- Director of Photography
- Freddie Smith
- Production Designer
- Susan Busby
- Sound
- Chris Phelps
- Music
- CSM Productions and Other
- Principal Cast
- Jonny Cripps, Andy Wilson, Robyn Bramzell, Jess Jones
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 11th December 2007