Remembering John Halas
"Remembering John Halas" evaluates the legacy of the Jewish-Hungarian emigre who became the father of British Animation. John’s daughter, Vivien, tries to pick away at the legend and uncover his true nature by looking for clues in his films and by talking to those who liked or merely respected him.
- Year
- 2012
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 12 mins 10 secs
- Format
- DV
- Director
- Vivien Halas, Martin Pickles
- Producer
- Vivien Halas
- Editor
- Martin Pickles
- Screenwriter
- Vivien Halas, Martin Pickles
- Director of Photography
- Martin Pickles, Brian Marshall
- Sound
- Tom Lowe
- Music
- Halas and Batchelor archive
- Principal Cast
- Brian Borthwick, Ginger Gibbons, Stella Harvey, Sayoko Kinoshita, Clare Kitson, Gillian Lacey, Roger Mainwood, György Matolcsy, Jimmy Murakami, Edward Nazarov, Graham Ralph, Nicole Saloman, Geza M. Toth, Harold Whitaker, Andy Wyatt
Production status
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Last updated 19th August 2014