Rohmer in Paris
A love letter to legendary Nouvelle vague film-maker Eric Rohmer and the world capital of cinema. The film begins with a chance encounter with Rohmer in 1994, while he was filming Rendez-vous in Paris on location in Montmartre. This accidental connection becomes the basis for a passionate exploration Rohmer’s lifelong relationship with the city and the many cinematic journeys he made through it. Innovatively combining biographical documentary, psychogeography, speculative fiction, and remix, the film provides a narrated tour of Rohmer’s works, of modern Paris, and of the pains and pleasures of cinephilia.
- Year
- 2013
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 67 mins
- Director
- Richard Misek 1st Feature
- Producer
- Richard Misek
- Editor
- Richard Misek
- Screenwriter
- Richard Misek
- Sound
- Tatsujiro Oto
- Music
- Tatsujiro Oto
Production status
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Last updated 6th January 2014