Russia/Chechnya : Voices of Dissent
This documentary tells the story of the protracted war in Chechnya from the perspective of Soviet and current Russian dissidents. Comparisons are drawn between the Chechen invasion and that of Czechoslovakia in 1968 and how the Chechen invasion helped to bring the ruthless KGB to absolute power in Russia today.
- Year
- 2005
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 47 mins
- Format
- tbc
- Director
- Carlo Nero
- Producer
- Vanessa Redgrave
- Editor
- Daniel Gane
- Director of Photography
- Luke Redgrave
- Sound
- Matthew Vaughn
- Music
- Claudio Capponi
- Principal Cast
- Vladimir Bukovsky, Elena Bonner, Akhmed Zakaiev, Yuli Rybakov, Anna Politkovskaya
Production status
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Last updated 22nd June 2020