San Sabba
In 1943 a convoy of 120 left Treblinka and moved to the Northeastern part of Italy. They had completed Aktion Reinhardt and were ready to engage in anti-partisan combat in Trieste and Istria. Buried under the overwhelming evidence of the Holocaust, this is the story of a very little known concentration camp specialised in the killing of freedom fighters.
- Year
- 2016
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 29 mins 50 secs
- Format
- Digital HD
- Director
- Romana Turina
- Producer
- James D. Harland
- Editor
- Romana Turina
- Screenwriter
- Romana Turina
- Director of Photography
- Romana Turina
- Film Image
- San Sabba (Turina 2016)
Production status
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Last updated 30th January 2018