Sex, Needles and Roubles
Sex, Needles and Roubles takes us on a journey to the cold winter nights of St. Petersburg where we meet with some of its young drug addicted prostitutes. Through poignant real-life stories and interviews with leading figures in the fight against AIDS, corrupt policemen-pimps and discriminating doctors, this documentary seeks to understand how AIDS reached such alarming proportions over the last decade. This is a crisis which has catapulted Russia into being the country with the fastest spreading epidemic of AIDS in the world today.
- Year
- 2005
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 62 mins
- Format
- DigiBeta
- Director
- Chloë Mercier
- Producer
- Chloë Mercier
- Editor
- Mariko Montpetit
- Director of Photography
- Pierre Boffety, Chloë Mercier
- Sound
- Damien Turpin
- Music
- Sarah Sarhandi
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 7th September 2006