Shooting Dogs
Shooting Dogs is a gripping and emotional story of two men's struggle for survival when caught up in one of the most brutal genocides of the twentieth century.
John Hurt plays Christopher, a priest who forges a friendship with Joe (Hugh Dancy), a young teacher. Together they have to confront the limits of their courage as they decide whether to stay or leave in the face of the 1994 Rwandan tragedy. The film explores the powerful dilemma of peacekeepers caught up in a dangerous world, where they feel powerless to act effectively - an exceptionally timely and resonant story.
- Year
- 2005
- Type of film
- Features
- Format
- 35mm
- Director
- Michael Caton-Jones
- Producer
- David Thompson, Paul Trijbits, Ruth Caleb, Richard Alwyn, Karsten Stoeter
- Co-Producer
- David Thompson, Paul Trijbits, Ruth Caleb, Richard Alwyn, Karsten Stoeter
- Editor
- Christian Lonk
- Screenwriter
- David Wolstencroft
- Director of Photography
- Ivan Strasburg
- Sound
- Rosie Straker
- Principal Cast
- John Hurt, Hugh Dancy, Dominique Horwitz, Clare-Hope Ashitey
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 9th February 2006