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Simon Magus

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Simon Magus is the poignant and magical story of an outcast called Simon, who is treated with a mixture of fear, suspicion and guarded affection by the Jewish and Christian inhabitants of a village in 19th century Poland. It is also the story of the village itself, a community in crisis now that the railway has arrived, passing the village by, taking away all its trade, and threatening its future.

Simon has visions and strange dreams, a fantastical view of the world. For some villagers, Simon is a harmless idiot, but in a place where people still believe in angels and charms, to others he is a magician in league with the devil himself.

The crisis comes in the battle to build a railway station and save the village. Maximillian Hase, moneyed, ruthless and determined to succeed, uses Simon's feelings of isolation to his own ends, employing him as a spy to root out his competition in the village's Jewish community.

The Christian Squire, a sensitive and lonely man with a passion for poetry, must be persuaded to allow the station to be built on his land. Dovid, a poor young Jew, realises that an appreciation of poetry is the way to succeed in the railway station bid. Only the city educated Sarah from the Jewish community shares this passion for poetry, but she and the Squire have never yet spoken. Dovid enlists Sarah's help to secure his bid.

Simon is seduced by Hase's bribes and is unwittingly playing a critical role in the battle for the railway. . .


Type of film
Ben Hopkins 1st Feature
Robert Jones
Director of Photography
Nic Knowland
Principal Cast
Noah Taylor, Rutger Hauer
Screen Writer
Ben Hopkins


Production status


Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at

Last updated 26th November 2005

Production Company

Jones Company
59 Lampard Grove
London N16 6XA
Tel: 020 8444 7211
Fax: 020 8444 1979


Goldwyn Films
10 Stephen Mews
London W1P 1PP
Tel: 020 7333 8877
Fax: 020 7333 8878