Smalltown Boy
David has never felt at home where he lives in the English countryside. He's known since he was very young that he was different and now that he's fifteen he's decided to come out that he is gay. After being thrown out of his foster home and continually bullied at school, the village where he lives has turned its back on David.
But now David has the chance to show everyone in the village who he really is. For over a hundred years the annual summer carnival has been a celebration of traditional family values in the village that all its in inhabitants of all ages get involved in. Each year the prettiest young girl in the town is paraded through the main square as the carnival queen. But this year the festivities are going to be turned on their head, because this year David is the first ever gay male carnival queen. Under huge pressure from the locals who feel he is bringing shame on their village- David, in his lilac dress, is determined to stand up be proud of himself in front of all his doubters.
- Year
- 2008
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 13 mins
- Format
- HiDef
- Director
- Moby Longinotto
- Producer
- Moby Longinotto
- Editor
- Matthias Dombrink
- Sound
- Jake Roberts
- Music
- Chris White
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 8th November 2007