A casual encounter with a stranger brings our hero, Adam, to the attention of powerful, unseen forces. They take away his job as an IT teacher and follow his every move. Adam does not know it but the stranger he met in a bar planted evidence of an affair with a gay Royal. Forced to go on the run, Adam turns to the only two people he thinks he can trust: his disapproving father and a female reporter, Amy.
Amy was Adam's teenage girlfriend, and he broke her heart when he told her he was gay. With few resources, and an increasingly desperate and murderous adversary, Adam has to dig deep and become a hero as he searches for the truth.
- Year
- 2008
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 86 mins
- Format
- HD Cam
- Director
- Paul Oremland
- Producer
- Christopher Hird
- Co-Producer
- Christopher Hird
- Editor
- Nick Carew
- Screenwriter
- Kevin Sampson
- Director of Photography
- Alistair Cameron
- Production Designer
- Tim Sykes
- Sound
- John Avery
- Music
- Helen Jane Long
- Principal Cast
- Dawn Steele, Tom Harper
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 23rd November 2007