The American Epic Sessions
This film is a haunting collision of past and present, presided over by the high priests of the great tradition of American music, Jack White and T Bone Burnett, who also executive produced with Robert Redford. Long before digital file sharing, MP3, compact discs, tape and vinyl, a machine was forged from ingenuity. The Western Electric lathe, a marvel of analogue engineering operated by a weight and pulleys, pioneered the recording of American music. In an old Hollywood studio, one has been lovingly reassembled. In it, White gathers an extraordinary convocation of musical superstars, all keen to cut a record in the unforgiving three minutes the Western Electric provides. Featuring live performances from Elton John, Nas, Willie Nelson, Alabama Shakes, Steve Martin, Ana Gabriel, Merle Haggard, Taj Mahal and many more. (LFF brochure)
BFI London Film Festival 2015 - World premiere
- Year
- 2015
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 140 mins
- Director
- Bernard MacMahon
- Producer
- Duke Erikson, Bill Holderman, Bernard MacMahon, Allison McGourty, Anthony Wall
- Screenwriter
- Duke Erikson, Bernard MacMahon, Allison McGourty
Production status
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Last updated 16th September 2015